I missed my calling and didn’t get a chance to play second base in the majors. Turns out, Crash Davis was right when he said, “You’ll never make it to the bigs with fungus on your shower shoes.” Instead, I’ve spent a career describing athletes as colorful in the press.

The back of my baseball card goes something like this: sports + fitness + technology + data + storytelling + big ideas.

I am currently the baseball editor at The Messenger. I previously worked at BreakAway Data (director of content & communications), SportTechie (editorial director), Men’s Health (features director), Sports Illustrated (writer, editor, co-founder of The MMQB) and the New York Daily News (covered everything from high schools to the World Series).

I believe storytelling is a collaborative process, and I believe the best stories always deal with change—in ourselves and the world.

When I’m not covering baseball these days, you can probably find me out on a field coaching youth baseball. In my next life I plan on coming back as a pro surfer, and if I win the lottery I'll spend the rest of this lifetime fishing around the globe.

Fishing and baseball?

I’m basically Ted Williams without the .344 lifetime average.

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